Capricorn (♑︎) is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac out of twelve total zodiac signs, originating from the constellation of Capricornus, the horned goat.[2] It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, corresponding to celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area from about December 21 to January 21 the following year,[3] and under the sidereal zodiac, the sun transits the constellation of Capricorn from approximately January 16 to February 16. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an earth sign, negative sign,[4][5] and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is said to be ruled by the planet Saturn.
There appears to be a connection between traditional characterisations of Capricorn as a sea goat and the Sumerian god of wisdom and waters, Enki,[6] who also had the head and upper body of a goat and the lower body and tail of a fish.[7] Later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology, Enki was the god of intelligence (gestú, literally “ear”), creation, crafts; magic; water, seawater and lakewater (a, aba, ab).
Zodiac symbol | Sea goat |
Duration (tropical, western) | December 21 – January 20 (2021, UT1)[1] |
Constellation | Capricornus |
Zodiac element | Earth |
Zodiac quality | Cardinal |
Sign ruler | Saturn |
Detriment | Moon |
Exaltation | Mars |
Fall | Jupiter |