Thursday, February 13, 2025
You could feel at odds about opening your heart up to friends today, and balancing that against the deeper need for privacy or secrecy on some matter. Unless you fully trust the person you want to share these elements of your inner life with, it\'s best to keep those secrets in to yourself.
Love Horoscope
Controlling your emotions is no easy task today. You feel alone and misunderstood. You may be too critical and cold in your assessment of your entourage.
Work Horoscope
The whole world seems to be plotting against you today. You\'re being provoked all the time; and it seems as if everybody prevents you from having what you need. You should react calmly to such conduct from your co-workers. Otherwise minor conflicts could escalate into committed disagreements. Postpone any attempt to resolve these issues; today is just not an appropriate time.
Lotto Numbers
3, 13, 25, 31, 36, 37