Yesterday’s Capricorn Horoscope

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Someone you haven\'t set eyes on for ages helps you out regarding a favor you are desperately hoping for. It\'ll be a real thrill to catch up on old times and reconnect in ways that use to make you smile. An unexpected piece of news may make a trip in order.

Love Horoscope

Reflecting on relationships will bring you to a realization about their future. Be upfront and present your demands, so that they can be met as you want them to.

Work Horoscope

Your head is brimming with ideas, you feel lively and have an enduring need to make good use of your creativity in as constructive a way as you possibly can. These thoughts and concepts can now be put into practice in way you had previously not imagined or believed was possible. Now is a particularly appropriate time to implement these strategies which you feel strongly about and that are closest to your heart.

Lotto Numbers

11, 19, 29, 30, 38, 44
